Amaze Full Software
We designed the website for Amaze Full Software to increase their sales and showcase their latest projects and work..
Amaze Full Software
Whilst working with Amaze Full Software on their game ‘Crash Simulator 18’, the Director of the company asked us if we could produce a website for them. The website’s main objective was to increase sales of their projects as well as gaining new clients.
The design of the site must be mobile friendly as visitors generated from app store ‘developer site’ links would be using a mobile device, hence it must be responsive. The site also included some of the features such as contact forms in order for potential clients to contact them.

We have also worked with Amaze Full Software to produce the back-end systems for some of their projects such as the Quite Frankly News app and Crash Simulator 18. The projects both consisted of bespoke database systems that were dynamically controlled by each app.